Podcasts I’ve been enjoying

Ezra Klein Show

I’ve been listening to Ezra since his days at Vox, and his podcast is always a good listen. I appreciate the wide range of topics he covers, and his guests are always interesting.

Stratechery & Sharp Tech ($)

I started reading Ben Thompson’s Stratechery a number of years ago, but mostly listen to his podcast now. The Stratechery podcast is just him reading his articles, and Sharp Tech is a more conversational podcast covering similar topics.


Acquired is a long-form podcast (3-4 hours) that cover the history of tech companies. It’s like an audio version of the autobiography books that I’ve also enjoyed reading over the years.

Search Engine

This show by PJ Vogt is a great follow up to Reply All where I used to listen to him. Each episode answers a topic, and they go deep into various topics with great story telling.

Odd Lots

This show by Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway is a great mix of finance and economics. They interview the “perfect guest” for each episode, and dive into various topics that I find fascinating.

Hey there! I'm Eric and I work on communities in the world of software documentation. Feel free to email me if you have comments on this post!