Screencast: Django Command Extensions¶
This is a screencast on the Django Command Extensions project. It is one of my favorite third party apps, and it gets installed in every Django environment I work in. It provides a plethora of useful commands, and a couple other little goodies as well.
Before you get started using these things, there are a couple of packages you need to install. The first is Graphviz which is a really nice toolkit for graph visualization. The other is Werkzeug which is a little python web framework with an amazing debugger that we’ll be using. There can easily be installed:
apt-get install graphviz
easy_install Werkzeug
Django Command Extensions from Eric Holscher on Vimeo.
The website for the django extensions has a pretty good list of all of the commands that are available. Below I will just write about the way to use some of them that isn’t well documented or a bit different or unclear.
As a note, for things that output something to the screen, you can
redirect that output to a file really easily. For example:
./ dumpscript blog >
redirects the output to The command extensions site has a list of output formats
for export_emails
Which is really useful.
The command for graphviz is
/ graph_models auth blog |dot -Tpng -o test.png
The output of graphviz is awesome. There are ways that you can hook this up to a url in your URLConf so that it will be regenerated whenever someone requests it (for data that changes often). That is a really nice feature for data that is changing a lot, where someone is watching over your work (school etc.).
Just to note, runserver_plus
requires that you be running
DEBUG = True
, and that your IP Adress is in INTERNAL_IPS
look at my
here for a full explanation of this, and more!
Things that weren’t covered in the screencast include sqldiff
which is still halfway working, and provides a diff against what
your model and the current database look like. create_app
are things that just flesh out the directory
structure for a new app or management command. create_superuser
creates a new supersuer for you. generate_secret_key gives you a
new secret key. passwd
allows you to easily change a users
password. reset_db
resets your current database.
Thanks for watching, and stay tuned for more screencasts (and other content too ;))